Friday, March 6, 2009

Tragedy in Zimbabwe

In an incident that defies imagining, Susan Tsvangirai, wife of newly installed Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, was killed when their vehicle was hit head-on by a passing truck. The Prime Minister sustained light head injuries, and a driver and bodyguard also survived the accident. So far, reports conflict as to how the driver of the truck - which was registered to the US Embassy, reportedly on a British aid mission - managed to veer so violently onto the other side of the road: US ambassador Jim McGee speculated "the driver might have been trying to avoid a pothole," while the driver "told police he had fallen asleep at the wheel." But some Tsvangirai supporters insist the accident smacks of foul play: "This is how they killed their opponents in the 1980s," said MDC Information Minister Nelson Chamisa, referring to Mugabe and his ZANU-PF party. By all accounts, Mrs. Tsvangirai was much beloved, and my heart goes out to all Zimbabweans at this horrifically difficult time.

Also this week, after agreeing to allow bail to be posted for Deputy Agriculture Minister Roy Bennett, Judge Livingstone Chipadze was tossed in prison for "criminal abuse of his office." As much as the PM has faith that Mugabe can be tempered in a power-sharing agreement, I'm beginning to think there is no hope for Zimbabwe while Mugabe retains any power. I mean, by now there must even be a few ZANU-PF members out there annoyed with the President's insane antics. I just hope that despite the dire political situation, food and medical aid continues to get through to those throughout the country in desperate need.

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